Beadle County Awarded SDDOT Grants

The South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded 35 Preliminary Engineering Bridge Improvement Grants (BIG) totaling approximately $1.345 million at their meeting yesterday in Pierre.

The remaining $13.655 million in BIG funds will be used for Preservation, Rehabilitation and Replacement grants to be approved by next April.

Beadle County was awarded 3 grants. Sanborn County received 5 grants and 1 was awarded to Davison County.

Forty-one applications totaling $1.58 million were received by the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT). Two cities submitted three applications and 22 counties submitted a total of 38 applications.

Local governments are required to pay a minimum of 20 percent matching funds and have three years to expend the grant. Counties must have a wheel tax and a five-year Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan to receive a grant.

The BIG program was created in 2015 by Senate Bill 1. SB 1 set aside $7 million per year from funds generated by license plate fees to be used to repair and replace aging local bridges. The SDDOT adds an additional $8 million annually, making $15 million available.