Beadle County Applying For Homeland Security Grants

Representatives of Beadle County were in Mitchell Thursday for the Region Six Homeland Security Grant Meeting. The South Dakota Office of Emergency Management has the state split into six regions. Beadle County Emergency Management Director Tom Moeding says 10 counties are in Region Six and each county sends two representatives. He says those 20 people choose what projects will get limited funding…


Moeding says Beadle County had five requests, prioritized by importance, which has been reduced to two for consideration…


Moeding says security at the schools across the county is very good…


Moeding declined to get into further detail about what schools have security projects left to finish due to the fact the grants have not awarded yet. He says Homeland Security Grant funding has greatly decreased in recent years and says budget cutting sequestration by the federal government is not the primary reason..


The next step of the grant applications is to be forwarded to the state Office of Emergency Management for consideration.