BBB Says Anyone Who Target Shopped Needs To Check For Fraud Now

It’s the second-largest security breach ever. Hackers have obtained credit and debit card info on 40-million consumers who shopped at Target stores nationwide between November 27th and December 15th.  Jessie Schmidt is Director of the South Dakota Better Business Bureau.  She says any who used a card at any Target store during that time period should not wait — they should check their accounts today…


She says if you don’t have an online account set up — don’t hesitate to call your credit card company and see if there are any bogus charges.  Schmidt says you also want to hang on to your Target receipts…


Longer term, you may want to check your credit report…


Schmidt says you also need to beware of phishing scams as there will be those trying to take advantage of this situation to try and get your personal information.