Barth Coming To Huron To Talk About Video

Video still of Jeff Barth

It’s blunt…


It’s quirky…


It’s gone viral on Youtube…


And it just might get explained today by the man behind it, Democratic U-S House candidate Jeff Barth. Barth as scheduled two gatherings, one in Sioux Falls at 9:30 this morning and the second in Huron at 1:30 this afternoon. Barth’s campaign is encouraging citizen’s and media members to attend as he plans to address recent criticism from Republican incumbent Kristi Noem and Democratic primary foe Matt Varilek. Noem’s campaign has trivialized the nearly five minute video that has garnered over 160-thousand views in almost a week. Barth will be appearing in Sioux Falls at the Main Branch Library at 9:30 AM and at the Coffee Tree in Huron at 1:30 PM.