Baedle County To Transfer Pagel Swenson Property To City Of Huron

Huron City Commissioners joined Beadle County Commissioners on New Year’s Eve to decide the fate of a prime piece of real estate on the south side of Huron. County Commission Chair Larry Mattke says the County has exhausted all of it’s options for the Pagel/Swenson property…


Mattke says the County has tried to do something with the land since July but with no takers at the land sale County Commissioner discussions turned to a possible transfer to the city…


The City of Huron has approximately one-point-five million dollars worth of assessments on the land for water sewer and street improvements. Mayor Paul Aylward says the city is in favor of obtaining the land from the County..


Alyward believes it’s in the best interest of all parties to put the land to use…


Land developer Pagel and Swenson Incorporated failed to pay taxes on the property located between Coborn’s and the First United Methodist Church, leading Beadle County to place a tax deed on the land. The City of Huron with the help of the Greater Huron Development Corporation will attempt to re-sell the property.