Aylward Announces James River Master Plan

Huron Mayor Paul Aylward says an effort will begin in the near future to enhance city owned areas along the James River. Aylward talked about the James River Master Plan during the State of the City Address Thursday…


The areas to be examined for development or expansion, include the old waste water plant site, Riverside Park, old municipal pool and land between Sherman Avenue and the river. Aylward says the city would like to do the project in phases. Input on the project from the public will be a cornerstone of the effort…


Aylward says the hope is come up with something that will enhance the City of Huron and will make good use of the areas the city already owns. Huron has previously looked at converting the low-head dam on the James River at 3rd Street in to a rock-arch rapids to increase visitor safety around the dam area. The area now is a popular spot in town for anglers, but carries a significant drowning hazard..