Affordable, low income housing is a step closer to reality after the Huron City Commission approved an annexation petition filed by Ervin and Jean Eckmann. Eckmann’s want to build the 38-unit Pheasant Run Apartments across the street from the water tower on 21st street. Mayor Dave McGirr says the Eckmann’s have applied for and are receiving federal grants to help build the complex. Realtor Roger Chase says construction on the apartments could begin this fall…
Utility infrastructure is already in place along Frank Avenue to the west and 21st street to the North. The city will require a street right-of way to intersect the Eckmans property where Firehall Lane intersects with Frank, south of where the apartments will be built. The City Commission also approved a street vacation request filed by the Community Development Foundation for a section of abandoned road that crosses the former Huron University Campus, future home of Central Park and the Huron Aquatic Center.