The Beadle County Humane Society presented it’s semi-annual update to the Huron City Commission Monday night. Executive Director Kim Krueger told Commissioners that general population numbers are about the same but animal bites appear to be on the rise…
So far in 2012, 24 dog bite calls have been received. In 2009 there was only one bite. Krueger wants the public to be careful around dogs to keep bite numbers down…
[audio:|titles=bcdogs2]The number of at-large dogs has increased from last year. Because of that stat, more pet licenses have been sold in Huron this year because of high impound numbers. Kreuger says license before impoundment is likely worth the cost…
[audio:|titles=bcdogs3]City Attorney Gerry Kaufman added the costs for a loose dog could include municipal courts costs of up to 150 dollars, which he saw in court happen last week. Kreuger says the Dog Park near the Humane Society’s location south of Huron has been very popular and is a good place to let active canines run, to reduce the number of at-large dog calls.