Alleged Fajardo Victims Testify In Rape Trial

Testimony is underway in the Werner Fajardo rape trial in Huron. In his opening statement, Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says the evidence will show that minors coming into the former El Cuervo Bar was a regular occurrence and asked why a 34 year old man would have a twelve and two 14 year olds in his bar after hours. Moore said quote “He took advantage of them and he raped them.” Fajardos attorney Carmen Means says the evidence will show Fajardo left the El Curveo to purchase bedding of his own because of a large party and significant clean he would have do to because he has very few employees. And that at 3AM the girls came to the bar. The twelve and both 14-year-old alleged victims all testified this morning. 15-year-old J-O testified that she and the others began the night babysitting them ended up at the El Curveo, where the drank and played music. J-O lives with her father in Wentworth and wrote a letter to him explaining what happened. Two of the girls testified they called Fajardo for a ride to the bar and that he picked them up. 14-year-old JP broke down in tears on the stand as she described for the jury waking up from blacking out due to consuming a large quantity of alcohol and seeing Fajardo performing a sex act on her. 12-year-old J-A described being waking up, being assaulted, only to pass out again to wake up to being assaulted a second time. and then a third time, all by the man the girls referred to as “Cuervo” The father of J-O also took the stand. He also fought back tears as he told jurors about finding out that his daughter had been raped. Means challenged a number of differences the in girls testimony, versus what was said in reports made to Huron Police Detective Gene Miller, and interviewers at Child’s Voice in Sioux Falls Testimony is scheduled to continue this afternoon.