Alcohol Immunity Bill Passes House

AmbulanceThe House Judiciary Committee passes a bill granting immunity to underage people who contact emergency personnel for medical assistance for someone who has consumed too much alcohol.  A companion bill that also passed would grant limited immunity for people who contact emergency personnel about someone suffering a drug overdose as well as the person affected.  Among those testifying in favor of the bills, Caleb Finck, President of the SDSU Students Association…


The measures were opposed by groups representing law enforcement and prosecutors.  Stacy Ackerman spoke on behalf of the South Dakota Sheriff’s


Representative Scott Munsterman of Brookings is the prime sponsor on both bills. He says the fear of prosecution is preventing people from making the call…


The alcohol immunity passed on a 10-1 vote, the amended and limited drug
immunity measure passed 9-3. Both move on to the house floor.