Airsteams To Invade State Fairgrounds This Summer

They’re long, they’re round, they’re shinny, and in the weeks leading up to the Fourth of July, they will invade the South Dakota State Fairgrounds. Fair officials are preparing to host the 2013 Wally Byum International Airsrteam Caravan. State Fair Manger Jerome Hertel told the Huron City Commission Monday the event is will turn the State Fairgrounds into a virtual Airstream City….


Hertel says some 450 to 600 rounded aluminum campers will hunker down in some of the over 1500 camping spaces at the State Fairgrounds. The official rally is scheduled for June 27th to July 4th, however Hertel says some Airstream owners will arrive in Huron as early as June 12th to set up. The caravan takes the name of Wally Byum, founder of the Airstream Trailer Company, who died of a brain tumor in 1962.