AG's Office Warning Of Another Utilities Scam

MoneyAttorney General Marty Jackley is warning South Dakota consumers to be cautious of callers claiming to be with local utility companies and threatening to turn off their electricity….

Sara Rabern Caller

Sara Rabern, with the Attorney General’s office says these scammers can be pretty convincing. The best bet is to just hang up and make your own call.

Sara Rabern Call Utility

Rabern says your utility will normally send you a written notice.
Scammers are everywhere, according to Rabern, who says her office sees numerous variations on the theme.
Because of that, it makes accurate reporting difficult. She says consumers can help.

Sara Rabern Call Us

If you have been a victim of one of this scam or need any additional information, again that number is 1-800-300-19-86.