The first full week after Labor Day each year is National Suicide Prevention Week.  The week is sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.  The theme this year is Talk away the Dark.  In South Dakota one place to turn and talk is the Helpline.  Becky Schuster. Vice president of program development with the Helpline tells us what they do.

Increasing the ways to contact the Helpline is a great addition.  For South Dakota callers to the 988 number are the most common contact with someone having a mental health crisis.

The use of the 988 number is a great suicide prevention aid every day of the year.  The annual recognition of National Suicide Prevention week and month puts focus on the topic that affects us all and sends the message that help is available and suicide can be prevented.  Schuster said no matter how people contact the 988 helpline thats what they are there for.

For a mental health concern or crisis call or text 988.