The third day in a series looking at Covid 19 vaccination numbers. The CDC is recommending completed vaccinations of 75 to 85 percent for “herd immunity”. Dr Joe Carr with Carr Chiropractic Clinic and medical representative on the Beadle County Covid 19 task force looks at another reason some may think they do not need to consider the series. People who have a strong immune system might believe they are better able to fight off the virus.
Earlier this month the SD Department of Health announced that they were switching to a “demand system” for vaccine distribution. So how will that affect persons wanting a vaccine?
On Tuesday the Biden administration set a July 4th target for getting 70% of Americans with at least one shot of the Covid 19 series. Carr said the task force would like to do better.
Carr was asked if he thought the CDC was doing enough to inform the public on the background of the vaccines.
What we do matters. Our feature on herd immunity through this week on Performance Radio.