It’s our final day in a 10 day series called the Daily Dex.  As we look at the impact of the destroyed and completely removed beef barn complex on the SD State Fairgrounds.  Encouraging participation and pledges towards a 4 million dollar goal of the Discover the Dex campaign through the SD State Fair Foundation.  For the last 10 days we have heard from people who have used the beef barn complex, what their thoughts and reflections are of that facility and what having the Dex, a 200,00 square foot facility, twice the size of the beef complex would mean to events held there.  Today we hear from Paullyn Carey of Huron who reflects on her families years of involvement in the beef complex.

Everyone agrees that events and could be held at the Dakota Events Complex are numerous.  Carey said she believes the planned DEX will be a big benefit for the state of South Dakota.

sdstatefairfoundation.com is where you can go to find out more about the Dakota Events Complex.  The Discovr the Dex campaign has a goal of 4 million to raise locally and statewide from users and contributors of the proposed Dex.  Legislative approval of the state one time money of 12 million dollars would be more favorable if the State Fair Foundation was able to meet the goal.  Remember the Huron Community Foundation and Greater Huron Development are matching funds up to $2000,000 dollar for dollar to the Dex fund drive campaign.  For more information call the SD State Fair office, Huron Chamber and Visitors Bureau or go online to http://sdstatefairfoundation.com