The Daily Dex series winds down to the end.  We have heard from users of the beef complex on the Sd State Fairgrounds statewide that would continue to use the Dakota Events Complex and their thoughts about the possible additional uses of the DEX.  Today we hear from Brad McGirr of Huron who talks about the impact of the beef complex on his youth and growing up.

McGirr said he has seen a lot of facilities nationwide that provide the activities that were used at the beef complex along with providing much more.

The beef barn complex was destroyed by fire October 31 last year.  Its footprint is now completely clear and now waits for time to pass and actions to fall into place.  $200,000 from Huron Community Foundation and Greater Huron Development corporation are matched dollar for dollar towards the fund drive.  To see the designs and find out more including how to pledge to donate to the Discover the Dex campaign go to http://sdstatefairfoundation.com