District Weed and Pest meeting cancelled

Due to the rising cases of Covid-19 in South Dakota, the Association of SD County Weed and Pest Boards has decided to cancel the district weed meetings that were sceduled in the next couple weeks.  The grant requirement for 2 in attendance at the meetings to qualify for grants will not be enforced, however, all the other requirements to receive a grant are still in effect.  This includes getting your inspection summary to the Department of Agriculture by November 1st as well as the February 1st deadline for your annual & fiscal reports.

For pertinent information, a Zoom district meeting is being planned for Wednesday, November 4th from 9am to noon.  The meeting isn’t required but it is highly recommended to join.


If you have questions on the district meetings, the Zoom meeting of any other items, contact Brenda Sievers at 605-280-4463.