Covid-19 has put the buying public in high gear. Purchasing entire stock of everything from toilet paper and paper towel to cleaning supplies and sanitizing wipes. Hand sanitzers became eye candy for hoarders who quickly bought out the inventory and continue to do so. Following the CDC guidelines being relaxed on ethanol producers Glacial Lakes energy found a way to help. Marcy Kohl Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs tells how.

Glacial Lakes four plants include the Huron facility. They donate the three ingredients needed, provides guidance, take the orders, arrange shipment and help with distribution. Kohl said they were surprised about the lack of product availability but were excited to be able to help.


With fewer people traveling and less demand for fuels like ethanl. It provided an opportunity to be involved in converting the corn alcohol to hand sanitizer. The product is not sold but free to medical workers, clinics and hospitals, nursing homes and first responders.


The label on the hand sanitzers list the contents, Glacial lakes energy and list Lake Area Technical College who makes the finished product along with Black Fork Farms of Brandt.
Ethanol plants are affected by Covid-19 on the business end as well. The donated hand sanitizer is only a fraction of what Glacial Lakes energy produces. Kohl said they hope the when things head back to normal that the traveling public will consider the benefits or using ethanol when they pull up to the pump.

For interested health care groups you can contact Marcy Kohl at Glacial Lakes Energy by phone 605-882-8480 or email [email protected]