James River Water Development District Awarded $500,000 Grant

Gov. Kristi Noem says the state Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved nearly $47 million for water, wastewater, watershed and solid waste projects. The board met today in Pierre.

 The $46,933,000 total includes $925,000 in grants and $46,008,000 in low-interest loans, with $550,000 in principal forgiveness.

 The grants and loans awarded by the board are administered through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

 “I am pleased to announce that this financial assistance is available,” said Gov. Noem. “These grant and loan awards will result in upgraded stormwater, wastewater and drinking water systems, new landfill cells and equipment, and enhanced protection of the environment.”

James River Water Development District received a $500,000 grant for the South Central Watershed Implementation Project.

Ree Heights was awarded a $432,000 loan, with $432,000 in principal forgiveness, for drinking water system improvements.

The grants and loans were awarded from DENR’s Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program and Solid Waste Management Program.

(State of South Dakota)