SDFU Partners with Glacial Lakes Energy to Tell “E-30 Story”

Glacial Lakes Energy, in partnership with the South Dakota Farmers Union, will be hosting the Regional 8 EPA Administrator Greg Sopkin Tuesday to better educate the regional EPA head about the E-30 ethanol story. G-L-E Director Of Communications and Corporate Affairs Marcy Kohl expects a large delegation from the EPA’s Denver office to attend, along with many state and local officials. Kohl says that Sopkin has set aside all of Tuesday morning for the meeting which will take place at the Glacial Lakes Energy offices at Watertown.

South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke called the upcoming visit a great opportunity to show Federal administrators that E-30 blends work and are doable with the stroke of the President’s pen.

Sombke says the Farmers Union Enterprises recently partnered with Glacial Lakes Energy and the Clean Fuels Coalition to release a booklet entitled the Gasolinegate Report . He says the booklet draws out the dangers of petroleum based fuels.  The data was gathered through the Freedom Of Information Act.

Kohl said the four hour meeting Tuesday morning will include discussions about agriculture and ethanol–specifically E-30.