Pinning Ceremony Held for First Graduates of RN Program

A pinning ceremony was held last night for the first graduates of Southeast Tech’s LPN to RN program in Huron. The ceremony took place at the Fine Arts Center. This is the first cohort to complete the program.

The graduates are:

Chelsea Davis

Denice M. Landmark

Mariah Lord

Bridgette D. Moeller

Caitilin Schoenfelder

Natalie Terkildsen

Dean of Nursing at Southeast Tech Kristin Possehl says the students put in a lot of hard work.

Southeast Tech president Robert Griggs says interest in the LPN to RN program has grown.

The goal is to address the local nursing shortage. Huron Regional Medical Center CEO and President David Dick says he is confident the program will be a success in that regard.

Classes will begin in August for the next cohort of LPN to RN students.