Work Begins on Highways 37 and 14 in Huron

Reede Construction began work on the intersection of Highway 37 (Dakota Avenue) and Highway 14 in Huron on Monday, April 22.

Work was originally scheduled to start early April but was postponed due to weather.

This segment of the project will be constructed one quadrant at a time. Traffic will be placed in a two-way configuration in the eastbound lanes of Highway 14 and the southbound lanes of Highway 37.

The $8 million project will reconstruct 1.1 miles of Dakota Avenue from 15th Street N. to 3rd Street N., add turn lanes to the Highway 14 intersection and reconstruct the 21st Street intersection.

Public meetings for the project will be held Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at the SDDOT conference room on 901 Dakota Avenue N. in Huron. These meetings will help the public to stay up to date on project timing and answer questions.

Updates on the project will also be available at once construction has begun.

Through truck traffic is being advised to take an alternate route due to anticipated traffic volumes and narrowed lanes. Drivers should be prepared for suddenly slowing and merging traffic, reduced speeds and construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lanes.

The overall completion date for the project is set for Nov. 1, 2019.

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.

(SD Dept. of Transportation)