Huron Corn Grower Earns Top State Honors in National Corn Yield Contest

An area corn grower has been honored through the 2018 National Corn Yield Contest. The national contest, sponsored annually by the National Corn Growers Association, recognizes farmers from across the country for their exceptional efforts.

Scott & Tammy Slepikas of Huron, placed Third in the state in the E: No-Till/Strip-Till Irrigated

Class with a yield of 268.00119999999998 bushels per acre.

Scott & Tammy Slepikas was one of 417 state winners nationwide. The 2018 contest participation included 7,258 entries from 46 states. Of the state winners, 18 growers – three from each of six classes were named national winners, representing eight states.

The average yield among national winners was more than 349 bushels per acre – greater than the projected 2018 U.S. average of 176.6 bushels per acre.

(National Corn Yield Contest)