District 22 Lawmakers Split on Governor’s Veto of Industrial Hemp Bill

District 22 lawmakers are split on Governor Noem’s decision to veto a bill to legalize industrial hemp in South Dakota.

In a message to the State House Monday explaining her veto, Noem called HB 1191 premature, citing the challenges it would present to law enforcement and the lack of USDA rules. She also stated she is concerned it supports a national effort to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

State Senator Jim White says he agrees with the governor.

White says he doesn’t believe the Governor’s veto means there is no future for industrial hemp in South Dakota.

Rep. Roger Chase says despite the governor’s early opposition to an industrial hemp bill at this time, he was surprised by the veto.

Chase says he doesn’t agree with the Governor that South Dakota should wait.

Rep. Bob Glanzer was not available by phone but indicated he agrees with the Governor.

The state house voted 55-11 Tuesday to override Noem’s veto, however it came up short in the Senate.