District 22 Legislators Weigh In on Governor’s Budget Address

District 22 lawmakers had a generally positive reaction to Governor Kristi Noem’s budget address, which included initiatives aimed at confronting issues such as the meth epidemic, the nursing home shortage, economic development and improving education.

District 22 Representative Roger Chase said he while he was surprised by the amount, he expected an increase in the budget.

Chase is referring to $4.6 million in one‐time funding for state radio infrastructure improvements.

State Representative Bob Glanzer says he was pleased to see the governor place an emphasis on tackling the meth epidemic, proposing $4.6 million for education, treatment, and enforcement.

State Senator Jim White called the budget address “optimistic”.

The governor says she is committed to fiscal responsibility. When asked if he believes Noem can do everything she wants with no new taxes, Chase had this to say:

White, who is on the Appropriations Committee, says he is looking forward to getting a closer look at the details.

Glanzer says he believes the state will still end up with a balanced budget.

The budget is now referred to the Appropriations Committees.