Huron Residents Reminded to License Their Dogs and Cats

Executive Director, Kim Krueger would like to remind the citizens of Huron that it is the law that cats and dogs that live in the City of Huron must be licensed annually. This applies to all cats and dogs, even if they never go outside.

Licenses can be purchased at the shelter from 8am-4pm Monday thru Friday and from 8am-2pm on Saturdays. You can now also purchase your pet licenses where you pay your water bill at City Hall.

You can also license your pets through the mail. There will be a $1 processing fee added to the license fee if done by mail. Licenses fees are due by January 31st each year. Call the shelter at (605)352-8955 for more information.

Krueger would like to remind pet owners that you must be able to provide proof of current rabies vaccination at the time of licensing.

Not only is licensing your pet required, but it can also ensure the shelter get your lost pet home in a timely fashion. The shelter is also better able to contact an owner in an emergency medical situation.

The fees for pet licenses are as follows: Altered pets $5, Unaltered pets $10, Kennel license (for persons owning four or more animals) $50

You are reminded if your pet is impounded without a license the fee will be $25. Failure to comply with the licensing ordinances will result in animal control issuing a summons in which case you will have to pay a fine along with licensing fees and possible court costs.

(Beadle County Humane Society)