City Approves Final Payment for New Public Works Building

The city has approved a final payment to Kyburz Carlson Construction in the amount of $244, 659 for the new public works building located at the West Industrial Park.

Assistant City Engineer Dennis Bennett says all the construction has been completed with some small warranty issues to be addressed. Most of the equipment has been moved out of the old street and water/sewer maintenance shops and into the new structure. The city commission will take a tour of the building next week.

Also last night, the city approved the second reading of an ordinance establishing standards, siting criteria and removal procedures for small cell facilities used for wireless services.

Small cell facility basically refers to a box housing equipment that would be installed on existing light or utility poles where possible.

City attorney Jeff Banks says the facilities are used to enhance and expand wireless coverage.

Banks says there is no way to know how many of these small cell facilities may be located in Huron in the future.