City Authorizes Payment for Second Year of Retail Strategies Contract

The city has approved a payment request from the Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau for a nationwide company that is working to attract new retail business to Huron and assist existing businesses.

Mayor Paul Aylward says this is the second year of a three year contract with Retail Strategies.

Aylward says although Retail Strategies hasn’t been successful in attracting new retail business to Huron yet, the company has made several contacts and is working on some prospects.

The city will fund $13, 333.33 of the total invoice of $40,000 for the second year.

In other business, the city approved a payment of $831,101 to Kyburz Carlson Construction for the public works building.

Mayor Aylward says around $1 million remain on the contract. The new building should be completed by the second or third week of October.