Thune, Rounds Call USDA Emergency Aid Package a Short Term Fix

Senator John Thune says he appreciates the intent of the Trump Administration emergency aid for farmers, but calls it merely a Band-Aid.

“…when it comes to the damage that’s being done in today’s agriculture economy, and it provides a false and short-term sense of security.”

USDA is providing about $12 billion to help producers weather the impact of tariffs and market instability.

Thune is critical of President Trump’s current approach to trade policy.

“..producers are losing global market share, and they’re watching commodity prices rapidly decline. The best way to help farmers and ranchers is to strengthen existing trade agreements as quickly as possible and seek new opportunities that could open markets around the world for U.S. agriculture producers.” 

Senator Mike Rounds (R) also appreciates the ‘trade aid’ proposal, but says it’s only a short-term, partial fix.

“Low commodity prices are a serious threat to our well-being in farm country….The sooner we can get trade deals completed and the market under control, the better off we’ll be.”