Rodeo Contestant Meets Adversity Head-On

8th grader Bridee Burks is a busy young woman who isn’t about to let adversity slow her the down.

Bridee and her family traveled almost eight hours from their home in Lancaster, Wisconsin to compete at the National Junior High Finals Rodeo in Huron.

In addition to being the student president of the NJHFR, Burks is also competing in barrel racing, breakaway roping, and goat tying.

She was dealt a setback earlier this week when her barrel horse was injured.

Rather than give up, Bridee’s mother contacted a friend in Wall, SD who is supplying a replacement horse.

Bridee says competing on a horse she’s never ridden before is a big challenge but it is one she is ready for.

Beginning Wednesday, Bridee’s week is packed with competition.

Back home, Bridee is also active in basketball, volleyball, and cross-country and also serves on the student council. She is active in her community and church.