City Approves Water Conservation Ordinance

The city commission has approved the second and final reading of an ordinance designed to conserve water in Huron.

In explaining the necessity of the ordinance, city engineer Brett Runge earlier stated that due to growth in Huron and increased water demand, the city is getting close to peak capacity.

Other possible solutions to the problem including purchasing more water from Mid-Dakota and an expansion of the water treatment facility would require a significant investment by the city and result in higher water rates.

The ordinance will allow customers with odd-numbered addresses, to water lawns, trees, and landscaping on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and those with even-numbered addresses to water on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Watering for all addresses will be permitted on Sunday.

Watering of lawns, trees, and landscaping on any day will be prohibited between the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Residents will able to water vegetation such as shrubbery, trees, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, and flowers by hand at any time.

Waivers for new sod or newly seeded areas will be available from the city engineer. The waivers will expire 30 days after installation.

Rain sensors will be required on all new automatic irrigation or watering systems that receive water supplied by the city. A building permit is required for new irrigation systems which will allow the city to identify new systems and ensure residents are in compliance with the ordinance.

The ordinance will take effect in a couple of weeks.