EPA Chief Visiting SD Today

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is visiting South Dakota today, but is getting a cold shoulder from the state’s corn growers. Pruitt is scheduled to visit with sorghum producers at a cattle operation near Reliance. However, South Dakota Corn Growers Association Executive Director Lisa Richardson says President Trump promised to provide the pathway for year-round sales of E15 and Pruitt is not welcome in the state unless he is delivering on that promise.

She says Pruitt has single handedly damaged the ethanol industry by proposing a cap on RINs and granting hardship waivers to oil refiners to opt out of their obligation under the Renewable Fuels Standard. This has resulted in lost corn grind of 700,000 to 800,000 bushels.

South Dakota corn growers are holding a tractor rally today to put pressure on Administrator Pruitt to grant relief from the Reid Vapor Pressure Rule and allow E15 sales.

The rally is being held at Falls Park Farmer’s Market in Sioux Falls.