Organizers Say NJHFR Will Have $10 Million Economic Impact on Huron

As Huron prepares for the 2018 National Junior High Finals Rodeo, one of the main topics of conversation around town is the impact the event will have on the community in terms of the influx of people and revenue. Huron is one the smaller communities to play host to the rodeo in recent years.

Austin White, VP of Marketing with the National High School Rodeo Association, says the event will have a major economic effect.

White says contestants will begin arriving next Thursday. After settling in, White says participants and their families typically explore the community.

White says residents who are concerned about how the rodeo will effect lunch and dinner service at local restaurants shouldn’t notice any disruptions from the increase in diners.

Another component of the rodeo is the trade show, which will get underway on Saturday, June 23rd.

The National Junior High Finals Rodeo is June 24th through June 30th on the SD State Fairgrounds.