Variance Approved for Dog Obedience Business and Boarding Facility

The city has a approved a request by Sue Galliger to operate a dog obedience business and boarding facility, Suez Essentials in Obedience, at 757 Michigan SW. Code does not list this as a permitted home occupation in an area zoned One Family Residential District.

Galliger explained that her business is mostly dog obedience and is done at her client’s house or through classes at the fairgrounds.

Galliger says she will have no more than four dogs at one time in the boarding facility. Her goal is to eventually build a facility elsewhere.

She has installed a lock outdoor on the garage so that the dogs are not in the kennel area to help control noise.

The variance was approved with Galliger required to put a waste disposal plan into effect and complete fencing of the backyard within 90 days.