New Corn Palace Mural Designs “A Salute to the Military”

The Corn Palace has unveiled the 2019 mural designs created by Dakota Wesleyan University’s digital media and design department. The theme is “A Salute to the Military.”

Corn Palace Director Scott Schmidt says it’s the first year of a new partnership with DWU.

Dakota Wesleyan has a long history with the Corn Palace murals. DWU graduate Oscar Howe designed the Corn Palace murals from 1948 to 1971. Later Cherie Ramsdell, a local artist and former Dakota Wesleyan art professor designed the murals since 2003.

DWU art professor Kyle Herges says his students are excited for the opportunity to showcase their creativity locally under the lights of the Corn Palace.

The new mural designs should be in place by late October or early November.