Ground Round Preparing for Grand Opening May 14th

Despite being thrown a serious curve ball by South Dakota’s unpredictable weather, Huron’s newest dining destination will be ready for its grand opening next Monday, May 14th.

Mike Ludwig, Director of Operations for Ground Round, says that while work continues, especially in the parking area, everything will be ready to go when the restaurant opens its doors next week.

Ludwig explains what customers can expect when the doors open on Monday.

Diane London, the owner of Ground Round, also owns Perkins in Fort Pierre. She says Ground Round has given her leeway when it comes to the menu, the floor plan and the kitchen. She believes the changes will improve the customer experience.

Ludwig says if it has been a while since you were in a Ground Round…

Ground Round will be open Sun.-Wed. 11 am-11 pm and Thurs.-Sat. 11 am-Midnight or later.