Beadle County Drug Court to Hold Graduation Ceremony May 9th

The Beadle County Drug Court will be celebrating its fourth graduation, and first of 2018, with Attorney Ron Volesky to give the keynote address. The ceremony will commence on Wednesday, May 9, at 1:00 pm, at the Beadle County Courthouse.

The Beadle County Drug Court began in July 2015 and is one of ten in the state of South Dakota. Drug Treatment courts are specialized dockets designed to target criminal defendants and offenders who have alcohol or other drug dependency problems. All South Dakota Drug and DUI Treatment Courts are post-plea and designed to help those battling with addiction and their related criminal offense. The Drug Court model recognizes that changing addictive behavior requires constant vigilance, motivation reinforcement and treatment to prevent relapse and promote change. 

All programs operate with a team of agencies working together for service integration and collective treatment planning within individual communities. The Drug Court holds individuals accountable through requirements such as frequent court hearings, frequent and random drug testing, intensive probation, and extensive treatment services.

The ceremony is open to the public. A reception will be held immediately following the ceremony.