Two Huron Businesses Burglarized Over the Weekend

The Huron Police Department is investigating the burglaries of two local businesses over this past weekend.

Both the Huron Country Club and The Plains were broken into and had money stolen.

The Huron Country Club was burglarized sometime between Friday afternoon April 13th and the afternoon of Sunday, April 15th. The burglars forcefully entered the building causing damage to the entry door and frame. Cash was stolen from the safe but it didn’t appear anything else had been disturbed.

The Plains was burglarized Monday morning, April 16th. Video surveillance of the premises revealed two suspects entered the building. Once inside, they proceeded to damage a security gate, several office doors and cash registers. The suspects stole money and some of the video surveillance equipment.

It isn’t clear yet if the two incidents are connected. The investigation into both crimes is ongoing. If you have any onformation regarding either of these cases or the identities of the suspects, please contact the Huron Police Department at 353-8550 or email [email protected].


(Huron Police Department)