Spring Arrives in South Dakota Today……Seriously

It may not feel or look like it, but Spring officially arrives in our part of the world today at 11:15 a.m. CDT, at least from an astronomical point of view.

Vernal is a word that dates back to the early 16th Century and simply means ‘relating to spring.’

The National Weather Service describes an Equinox as occurring when the Sun shines, “directly on the equator and the Earth’s axis is not titled toward or away from the sun at all.”

Essentially, the earth is in perfect balance.  Day and night are “approximately” equal in length and the earth isn’t leaning to one side or the other as we orbit the sun.

But it won’t last long, it can’t.

From this moment on days will steadily grow longer and nights will continue to get shorter.  But rest assured, summer is on its way, even if you can’t see it just yet.