Day One of Jury Selection Is Complete In Brady Gross Trial

Ten of 69 potential jurors have been dismissed from jury duty in the trial of Brady Gross. Almost all of the jurors indicated on the juror questionnaire that they knew of Iroquois natives Brady and Kyle Gross, Reasons for the dismissals ranged from extended family relationships with the defendant and victim. One candidate was related to a proposed witness and one felt he would not be able to hear testimony properly. Circuit Judge Jon Erickson overruled a request by Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore to excuse a juror who had worked on the Gross farm shortly after the accident. Erickson thanked the jurors for filling out and completing the juror questionnaire on time. He says it was the first time in his 23 years on the bench that happened. Gross’ attorney Clint Sargent asked most of the questions while Moore asked two in the first session and very few in the second.   32 jurors remain from the first two panels. The final panel of 29 jurors will be questioned  Friday Morning. All of the jurors will return  Friday afternoon when the final jury of 14 will be picked, 12 seated for trial with two alternates. Opening statements are set for Monday.