Bills Related to Hunting and Higher Education Killed in Committee Today

The South Dakota House Education Committee debated a bill (HB1122) that would have required legislative approval for tuition and fee increases at the state’s universities.

Sponsor, Representative Lynne Disanto of Box Elder says tuition has increased thirty five to forty five percent over the past ten years

Patrick Weber, from the Governor’s office, says the Board of Regents can and should manage those rates and increases

The committee voted nine to four to send the bill to the 41st legislative day, effectively killing it.

Also today, a House Joint Resolution that would make hunting, fishing, and trapping in South Dakota a right instead of privilege by changing the constitution fell to defeat in the House State Affairs Committee this morning.  The bill sponsor was Representative Drew Dennert of Aberdeen

Dennert says what the resolution doesn’t do is change any law regarding fishing, hunting and trapping.  He said it also doesn’t infringe on property rights.  But John Kotilnek, a staff attorney with the South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks Department opposed it

Kotilnek says the state of South Dakota has extensive case law dating back 100 years, all premised on the fact that hunting is a privilege, not a right

Others opposed included the South Dakota Farm Bureau and South Dakota Corn Growers.  The measure was killed in committee when it was sent to the 41st day.