Livestock Groups Talking To Legislators About Possible Revival Of SD Certified Beef Program

The South Dakota Certified Beef Program that was established during the Rounds administration is still on the books, including its trademarks. That program was designed to label beef products, South Dakota, born, raised and harvested. South Dakota Stockgrowers Executive Director Silvia Christen says there was an attempt last week in the South Dakota legislature to get rid of the program.

She says her group and other ag organizations were able to get Ahlers to hold off on the legislation for a year so discussions could be held to see if there’s a way to revive the program.

Christen says having a South Dakota Certified Beef program implemented could help the state’s cattle producers with both international and domestic markets.

Christen says the South Dakota Certified Beef program failed to get going after the Northern Beef Packers plant in Aberdeen closed.