Record Breaking Cold in Huron Over the Weekend

Much of the country dealt with colder than normal temperatures over the New Years weekend and Huron was no exception.

Two records were broken on Sunday in Huron.

The low temperature Sunday morning was 31 below, which broke the previous record low for December 31st of 23 below, set three times; 1884,1967 and 1973.

Sunday’s high temp of 11 below below also set a record for the coldest high temperature for the date.

Yesterday’s low was 30 below, which was three degrees off the record.

The temperature has been below zero in Huron since 11 pm Friday night.

Also, Sunday’s low temp of 31 below was the coldest temperature in Huron for the year 2017.

The warmest temperature  in Huron was 101 on July 17, and was the only triple digit temperature in 2017.