Residential Hazardous Waste Disposal Scheduled for Oct 12th in Huron

The City of Huron & Beadle County will offer a Hazardous Waste Disposal at the SD State Fairgrounds in front of the Grandstands on October 12 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

This will be for residential collection only and will include stains, varnishes, sealers, latex/oil paints, gasoline, all batteries, cleaners, solvents and waxes

No explosives or pressurized tanks will be allowed

Ag-related chemicals may be disposed of free of charge on Oct. 11st if pre-registered with the SD Dept. of Agriculture. For more information contact Spike at (605) 773-4432

Businesses  may contact Veolia at 1-888-887-9457 for a date and time to dispose of Hazardous Materials.

For further information contact the Huron Solid Waste Dept. at 353-8542

In other news, residents are reminded that the Solid Waste Dept. will be closed Wed. Sept. 27th from 9am to 12pm due to a planned power outage by Northwestern Energy