Burn Ban Lifted in Beadle County

Due to a combination of cooler temperatures, recent rains and cooler wetter conditions in the forecast, the Burn Ban in Beadle County is lifted.

Normal burning may resume without threat of citation by law enforcement. While the Burn Ban is lifted, there are still portions of Beadle County listed by the US Drought Monitor as being in various stages of drought. With this in mind, area fire department urge responsible burning practices be used at ALL times, to include having a suitable source of extinguishing resources in close proximity to your burn location.

You should also pay attention to the weather, specifically wind direction and the condition of areas around you that may cause a fire to get out of control. Beadle County Emergency Management Director, Zach Nelson says the majority of fire departments across the county support lifting the ban, however it was not unanimous. Some departments urged the ban be kept in place, meaning they believe conditions for burning are still dangerous.

The best advice is to burn with care and caution. Use common sense when it comes to where and how you burn.