Drought Disaster Funding Issue Could Come Up In Next Farm Bill Discussions

The issue of how to fund drought disasters could come up as Congress debates the next farm bill. Especially with upper Midwest states going through a severe drought this year that’s triggered haying and grazing programs. South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott VanderWal says even though it’ll likely come up, the chances of funding an ad hoc disaster program isn’t very good.

He says the way to pay for the effects of drought and other disasters changed during the last farm bill debate.

VanderWal says thanks to the work of South Dakota’s Congressional delegation along with farm groups, they were able to weigh in with Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue last week to get significant drought help with emergency CRP haying and grazing.

The emergency CRP haying and grazing designation was allowed for South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana. All emergency grazing must end September 30 and emergency haying must end August 31.