Senator White to Speak at Cardiac Support Group

Attendees at the July meeting of the Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Cardiac support groups will hear an update on current healthcare bills on Wednesday, July 19, at noon in the HRMC Legacy Plaza auditorium. This will be a combined meeting of both groups.

Senator Jim White, District 22, will discuss how healthcare bills will affect South Dakota residents, funding options being discussed by the legislature and potential changes on the horizon. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. The public is invited and no RSVP is needed.

The Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) support group provides support and education for patients who suffer from high blood pressure of the lungs. The group typically meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m., in the Dakota-Heartland room on the lower level of the HRMC Central Tower.

The “Heart Smart Cardiac – Better Breathers Pulmonary Support Group” promotes support and education for community members who have heart and lung disease and for family members who have loved ones that have been affected with the disease. The group typically meets the third Wednesday of the month at noon. For more information about both support groups, call 353-6531.