Governor Calls Special Session to Deal with Non-Meandered Waters Issue

Governor Dennis Daugaard has called a special legislative session of the South Dakota legislature to consider legislation relating to public recreational use of non-meandered waters overlying private property.

 After consulting with legislative leaders from both political parties, the Governor is calling the special session for Monday at 10 a.m. at the State Capitol in Pierre.

 Daugaard says “The interim legislative committee considered hours of testimony and struck a good compromise that balanced the rights of landowners with the ability for sportsmen to use public waters for recreation.”

 One of those individuals on the interim committee was Pierre Representative Mary Duvall. She says she supports the call for a special session

 Duvall adds that Monday will be a long day for lawmakers in Pierre

 She says that the bill that the interim committee came up with is far from perfect, but it’s a compromise

Assuming all 105 state lawmakers attend the session Monday, calling a special session will cost the state $35,150 for the first day and $33,260 for each additional day.