Large Turnout for Public Meeting on Rezoning Project

It was a full house at last night’s public meeting on the Southtown rezoning project, which was held at the Huron Event Center. The issue will be decided by voters next Tuesday, May 16th.

Rich Bragg and Joe Carr spoke on behalf of the “Vote Yes” committee. Moderator Mike Held said representatives of  the “Vote No” side were invited but didn’t attend.

Carr addressed the concerns of some property owners who are worried about the impact the Wheatgrass Village development, which includes an apartment complex and townhouses, will have on their property values.

Carr characterized Wheatgrass Village as “middle income” housing

Amy Bennett, who was in attendance at the meeting asked for clarification of the term “middle income”. The developer of the proposed Wheatgrass Village, Steve Boote, owner of Eagle Construction, fielded the question.

Jeff Paye asked for an explanation of Tax Increment Financing districts, a tool which will be used to cover infrastructure improvements. City Planner Ralph Borkowski provided the answer.

Borkowski said under state statutes, the developer can be reimbursed through the TIF for some of the costs associated with preparing the site.

Borkowski said the TIF starts with a baseline.

Another person in the audience asked what would happen if voters reject the project. Greater Huron Development Corporation Executive Director Jim Borszich took the question…

One attendee asked Boote about his plan B if occupancy rates are low.

Boote says if voters approve the matter, construction could begin a few weeks after the election and should take about ten months to complete.