Huron Businesses and Individuals Receive Awards at Annual Meeting

Lt. Governor Matt Michels was keynote speaker at last night’s Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau and Greater Huron Development Corporation annual meeting at the Plains Ballroom. During his remarks, Michels praised Huron’s efforts to welcome diverse cultures into the community.

Michels also commended the district’s lawmakers.

Awards were presented to individuals and Huron businesses at last nights event:



Jensen Livestock, Inc received the Huron Family Business of the Year Award, presented by the Prairie Family Business Association. Jensen Livestock is a second generation and is celebrating 60 years in business this year.






Dr. Joe Carr and Dr. Wayne Carr of Carr Chiropractic Clinic were awarded the Distinguished Civic Service Award.







AgSense, LLC was awarded the 2017 Mayor’s Award for Excellence by Huron Mayor Paul Aylward. AgSense, located on main street, was founded in 2003 with the help of a GHDC loan.